Instagram Social Media Marketing

How to Get Verified On Instagram – A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

How to Get Verified On Instagram – A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

Although it’s possible to check with Instagram and make a request, getting verified can be done in many different ways. There are several ‘hacks’ out there that don’t really work. We’ve searched through all the information available and found the best solutions. If you’re wondering how to get verified on Instagram, stick around. 

With this guide, we’ll not only tell you how to get verified but also discuss the benefits of being verified on Instagram. Having a verified account can go a long way towards boosting the efficiency of a really good social media marketing campaign.

User-generated content is a great tool for social media marketers, and Instagram is a goldmine for high-quality and ever-fresh content. For companies making use of social media marketing, having a verified profile is a must. But before we get to the fun part, let’s take a look at how Instagram decides who to verify in Instagram and who to reject.

Here’s How To Get Verified On Instagram In 2023

There are four major factors that Instagram uses to determine who they will give that desirable ‘verified’ badge. 


Only one account per person or company can be verified. Of course, there are some exceptions, such as language-specific accounts. If your account doesn’t post original content, it at also won’t be considered for verification. Content that counts towards unoriginal includes memes, rap videos etc.


Instagram wants to make sure that the accounts they verify are unique because this shows that the person behind it is who they say they are. 


The account has to represent a well-known person, entity or brand. To determine this, the account must be featured in more than one news source. Promotional content is not seen as reliable news sources for this requirement.


Your account has to be a public one with a proper bio and profile photo. It must have one or more posts and in this case, more is better. The account should not have any links to other social media services.

So, How To Get Verified On Instagram?

Well, obviously it will take some effort, but it’s not at all impossible or something that only the elite can achieve. With that said, not just anyone will be verified. You have to show Instagram you deserve that blue badge.

The above points are the most important checkboxes that need to be ticked. Now, let’s discuss how to meet these requirements.

Instagram is all about the aesthetics so you have to create and share high-quality content to be considered good enough.

Have A Consistent Theme

If you stick to one idea throughout all your posts, you’ll go a long way to looking authentic. Create content that is visually compelling while sticking to the overall feel of your unique account. 

Create Credibility

Be careful what you put out there because you will be judged. Don’t share any posts that do not reflect your company’s view and persona. Give followers constant but high-quality content and they’ll follow you loyally. Share photos and videos all the time, but make sure it’s not nonsense shared just for the sake of posting.

Be Interesting

By sharing the kind of content that people can sense is real while being interesting, you’ll not only gain followers but also prove you’re unique. With more followers, the more likely you are to get verified on Instagram. You’ll easier convince Instagram you’re not a bot if your posts are engaging and colourful (in terms of creativity).

Make Use Of Hashtags

Instagram made hashtags a thing and it has a lot of power on the social media network. If you post images or videos without using any hashtags, you lose out on reaching more people. It’s believed that with just one hashtag added to a post, you can reach about 12.6% better engagement than without one. It’s possible to use up to 30 hashtags with every post.

Most importantly, you should use hashtags to make people more aware of your brand. There are many ways to create a successful social media marketing campaign, and making the most of Instagram and its hashtags is certainly a winning way to go. On top of being a great marketing tool, hashtags can help get your account verified. You will get more influence on the network and this will help get you verified even quicker.

Stand Out

Instagram has over a billion active users and although this is great for marketing, it can make it difficult for your account to stand out. To become prominent, you have to focus on your brand’s aesthetic. Have a style that is different, and stick to it. Make people recognise your brand whenever they see the colours you’ve chosen for your brand’s appearance. You can make use of Instagram’s filters and hashtags to achieve this.

Focus On Your Bio And Captions

A robust biography will go a long way. While teens tend to fill their bios with silly emojis and vain information, yours should truly reflect who and what your brand is. You should include as many details as possible that shows you and your brand is real. The bio is the front page of your image on Instagram. It is here that people will get an idea of what you represent and offer.

Be sure that you are shown in the most flattering way without being dishonest. Don’t be fake because Instagram will pick up on it. They can spot cheaters and liars a mile away without even trying. If you want to get verified on Instagram, you have to be as honest as you can while showing off with what you have to offer.

Use interesting captions to complement what you stated in your bio – if you’re offering a cheeky and clever persona, act that way in your captions. If you’re more serious and sombre, that should show in the kind of captions you use. This will also play in with being consistent, which will help you get verified even faster. When you interact with followers and other users, be sure to always reflect your brand’s bio and theme. It will give you an air of authority and create a good image of your brand.

Be Aware Of The Competition

It may not look that way on the surface, but there is a lot of competition going on over there on Instagram. The race to having the most likes and followers is an intense one. Companies who make use of social media marketing strategies know the value of likes and a loyal following.

Things are so serious that many companies resort to buying likes and people to follow them. It’s a cutthroat business, don’t be fooled. However, Instagram is aware of this so getting verified takes a lot more these days. You need to be able to attract authentic likes and followers. If you’re creating good content and keeping in touch with your audience, you’re on the right track.

Although an exact recipe to getting verified would be nice, it’s not really possible to find one. Just make sure that you’re keeping to the rules and going about things the sincere and honest way. Going at in a sneaky manner might work, but you could lose your verification if Instagram notices that something’s up.

How To Get Verified On Instagram If You’ve Played By The Rules And Failed?

If you have been putting in all the work to tick all the right boxes and playing a ‘clean game’ but still haven’t been verified, there is something you can do about it.

Thanks to Instagram updates, you can apply for verification. It is a rather simple process and can be done right from the app. You just have to make sure that you’re applying from the account that you want to be verified.

Simply open the Instagram app, open your profile and click on the top-right icon with three lines. You’ll be accessing the ‘settings’ menu. Go to the ‘Account’ setting and you’ll find the ‘Request Verification’ option. Follow the instructions given to you and wait for a response. You will have to fill in your name, category, nickname and provide valid proof of your identity. It shouldn’t take more than a week or two before you know if you’ve been verified or rejected.

Avoid Scams

If you receive an email or private message about verifying your account, it’s likely a scam and you should report the person(s). Instagram will never ask you for money to verify your account.

Instagram on a phone

Is It Worth Getting Verified On Instagram?

By now, it’s clear that the ‘how to get verified on Instagram’ question has quite an extensive answer. A lot of planning and constant work goes into getting verified, so you may wonder, what’s the point? Many people are engaging with fans and followers without verification, right?

Well, for social media accounts linked to a company or service, verification really is very important for growth and success. The really successful social media managers know this and they’ve likely used Instagram in their best social media marketing strategies to gain new clients and boost sales.

It’s 2023 and there are many savvy companies out there that know how to make the most of social media and the marketing opportunities it offers. With a good approach, the right tools and a verified Instagram account, you’ll go a long way towards using the internet to your benefit.

Benefits Of Getting Verified on Instagram

Boosted Trust

Since it’s known that Instagram requires credibility, your account will be seen as credible upon verification. Your brand will become much more trusted as a result as well. Users will see the verified badge and automatically see your brand as one with influence and good credit.

This is especially good if you’re page is involved in any giveaways or competitions. A verified account will be trusted to live up to the competition’s promises.

Better Brand Awareness

You will find that your brand awareness is much improved when followers can see that your account is verified. Verified accounts appear in the top of searches and suggested accounts – great exposure. With Instagram’s potential advertising reach of about 849 million users, it’s easy to see why the network is such a popular social media marketing strategy.

That verified badge will also bag an eCommerce company more business opportunities. With a reliable account, your company/brand is seen as a leader in the industry. This means business opportunities will come knocking soon enough.


One of the biggest perks of having a verified account on Instagram is having early access to special features. This goes a long way to helping accounts make money. An example of this is the swipe-up feature. Normally, an account must have at least 10 000 followers to access this tool. Verified accounts are an exception to the rule.

How To Stay Verified On Instagram

There are a few things that you need to do to keep that verified badge and if you break the rules, Instagram will revoke your verification.

Do not attempt to sell, advertise or transfer your badge. Instagram is very serious about this and when they notice your behaviour – and they will – your badge will be removed. It is unlikely that you will get your verification back after such a transgression.

Your profile picture cannot be used to promote other services. You will likely lose your verification.


After you’ve finished this guide, you should know very well how to get verified on Instagram. Knowledge is power and you can use what you learned here to build a strong social media marketing strategy. But remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Once you’ve created awareness of your brand, you will have to work hard to keep up good appearances.

Make sure that you have a great tool to help you – SocialPlanner is ideal – and stay on top of the latest trends. Keep your account relative and interesting. If you don’t make the most, you’re wasting potential to grow a strong brand presence that is desired by most companies out there.

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