Social Media Marketing Social Media Tips

Successful social media campaigns that really crushed it

Successful Social Media Campaigns That Really Crushed It

Successful social media campaigns that really crushed it

Successful social media campaigns are the best ways to get new customers and increase sales. It comprises a trusted marketing strategy and comes highly recommended. But this has to be done right or you won’t get the kind of results you’re hoping for. A study found that more than 80% of consumers have had a bad experience with social media marketing. So how do you nail it in such a way that everyone is happy and you get more sales?

We’ll be taking a look at a few successful social media campaigns that managed to achieve exactly what they set out to do. They earned loyal customers and boosted revenue by investing minimum money and using clever strategies.

What Do Successful Social Media Campaigns Entail?

There are a few things that set the good campaigns apart from the bland, uninspired and failing campaigns. The main performance indicators for social media campaigns (which span over roughly 6 – 12 months) are the following:

  • Overall fan growth
  • Cost per fan
  • Engagement
  • Cost per engagement
  • Response times

The main KPIs (key performance indicators) for a social media management campaign are:

  • Fan growth
  • Cost per fan
  • Engagement
  • Cost per engagement
  • Response times
  • Conversions
  • Cost per conversion
  • Clicks
  • Cost per click
  • Click-through rate

Successful Social Media Campaigns Case Studies

Now, let’s take a look at just how these KPIs are used in real-life situations.

Case Study 1: Natural Beauty Products

With a dedicated and creative social media campaign, this company was able to generate the following results in just 10 months.

  • 20 961 Instagram followers
  • 25 468 Facebook fans – $0.16 per Facebook fan
  • 3 752 Twitter followers
  • 4,693 YouTube subscribers
  • 263 052 Total engagements – $0.004 per engagement
  • 146 585 Video views – $.01 cost per view

The exact target audience was reached for less than $1 on average. Of course, it was all done with very careful planning. The attention of possible clients had to be grabbed and a relationship built. This is where social media is perfectly suited to marketing that feels personal and real.

The strategy behind this obviously successful social media campaign looked a little something like this:

  • Competitors and customers were researched
  • Growth strategy was planned 
  • Content was developed 
  • Follower strategy was created and implemented, along with content
  • Progress was measured and reported
  • Strategy was optimised

A lot went on behind the scenes, of course, but this gives you an idea of the work that goes into social media campaigns that really work.

Case Study 2: Forever Diamonds

(Possible Image source:
By implementing the tried-and-tested social media marketing methods that good marketers know work, this jewellery company achieved the following in a one year period:

  • 45 743 Total engagements – $0.03 per engagement
  • 10 422 Facebook fans – $0.34 per Facebook fan
  • 7 656 Instagram followers

Again, this was at an average cost of less than $1 dollar per fan. The same strategy was used for Forever Diamonds, and it clearly worked.

Case Study 3: Snow Company

This automotive snow company was able to generate more than 98K in sales within a 5-month period. Social media marketing was influential in this result.

Here’s what was achieved:

  • 49 377 Facebook fans – $0.19 per Facebook fan
  • 2 826 Instagram followers  
  • 1 718 Leads – $2 per lead
  • 205 584 video views – $.001 per view
  • 303 378 people engaged – $.01 per engagement

Here, the average was once again less than $1 dollar per fan – the kind of results companies desire.

All of these examples come from work done by LYFE Marketing’s case studies.

What can be learnt from these successful social media campaigns?

Social media management is vital to the successful growth of business regardless of their niche and location. If you can draw in new fans and followers, your conversion rates will increase and your revenue will rise.

There are many more campaigns that crushed it when it comes to social media marketing and boosted the overall success of the companies that used them.

A brief example is Rosehall Kennel who racked up a very impressive 4400% ROI (Return On Investment). The company spent roughly $30 on Facebook to grow their fanbase. Then, they got their first puppy sale. Each puppy goes for $1 350 so they clearly earned a lot more than they had to spend to get that initial sale.

This clearly shows the benefits and importance of social media marketing. In 2019, about 2.95 billion people around the globe were using social media, a number that is projected to increase to 3.43 billion in 2023. If your company is not going to dive into this market by using smart social media marketing campaigns, you will be losing out on a lot of benefits and growth.

Even More Successful Social Media Campaigns That Know What It’s About

Sometimes, the best way to learn something is to see how others do it. There’s nothing wrong with looking at the various strategies of your competition to determine the best approaches. You can use the information and apply it to your company, with some tweaks of course. There isn’t a broad solution that will work for everyone. Your campaign will be influenced by many factors such as target market, service offered etc.

Let’s check out a few more social media campaigns (courtesy of Digital Marketing Institute) and how they helped companies to grow and thrive.


Dacia is a Renault subsidiary and a fast-growing European car brand. They offer functional cars with amazing value for price.


The goal of their social media campaign was to create more brand awareness and generate leads (people with interest in the company/service).

What Did They Do?

Dacia made use of Facebook’s boosted posts to place ads for three of their models. Their focus was on mobile and desktop users and they used data from past activity. With lots of ad testing, they were able to maximise their advertisement impact.

What Were The Results?

  • 6 point boost in purchase intent
  • 45% lower costs per lead
  • 27 point increase in ad recall
  • 6 point improvement in brand favourability

What Can You Learn From This?

The Ad Campaign on offer from Facebook can help create leads if applied correctly. It is a cost-effective way to increase brand favourability.


This is a company with a unique service that they offer – they let customers make their own television channels using their own videos. They’ve grown a lot since starting in 2014.


TVibes wanted to rope in loyal app users that are engaging. They wanted to encourage people to use their application for the storage of their mobile videos. They used Facebook to get more followers and sign-ups.

What Did They Do?

The company integrated Facebook into their app and made it easy for users to create accounts as well as login and explore. All this could easily, and conveniently, be done from Facebook. They also used mobile app install ads and determined their audiences on video ad reactions. This way, TVibes were able to make the most of their campaign.

What Were The Results?

  • 50% of new app installs 
  • 20% higher Facebook engagement rates
  • 10% higher loyalty and conversion from installs

What Can You Learn From This?

Customers and leads that were won through Facebook are a very effective way to get users to engage and stay loyal. Video ads are also an admired marketing strategy that can pull in many new customers. Make the most of Facebook’s tools on offer.

Red Bull

This brand needs no introduction, but that doesn’t mean the company can relax when it comes to marketing. They know that being engaged is how they will remain relevant. They’ve been around since 1987 and have been masters at marketing, which shows in their popularity.


Red Bull wanted to create even more brand awareness and boost sales, in particular their uniquely tropical flavoured ‘Summer Edition’ drink. Their market was in Australia.

What Did They Do?

Using Instagram, Red Bull shared a teaser shortly before summer. They got their audience focused on their cans’ new look. They used the social media platform’s filters for their videos and images to portray ‘summer days’. This meant they would be associated with the popular hashtag of the competition, #thissummer – a genius move.

What Were The Results?

  • 1.2 million consumers were reached
  • 10 point boost in awareness
  • 9 point increase in favourability
  • 7 point decrease in the unconvinced market

What Can You Learn From This?

Social media sites truly offer a massive market that is ready to be tapped instantly. The power of Instagram was beautifully displayed here, and how it gets people to interact. But, you have to understand how people (especially your target market) use social media networks to make the most of them, which is what Red Bull did.


Glu Mobile is a popular smart-device game publisher. They’ve been around since 2001 and their games are classics such as Zombie Defence and Deer Hunter. They cater to a broad audience and their games are compatible with many popular devices and systems.


The company wanted to maximise the game installations they receive for their (then) newest release, Diner Dash 2016. They also wanted to see if they could use Instagram to rope in new users.

What Did They Do?

Glu tapped into Instagram’s vast foodie users and teamed up with ReFUEL4. They made use of clever photo advertisements that show real chefs and some food items from the game. They called on people to install their game and it worked. By targeting the right audience, the company saw a boost in app installs. They also made use of Facebook’s Ads Manager and Power Editor.

What Were The Results?

  • 800 000 impressions throughout the campaign
  • 39% increase since the Instagram campaign

What Can You Learn From This?

Instagram offers a great way to reach new audiences and this can be done in the way this audience wants and likes it. By being creative but direct, this social media platform can create better brand awareness. If you have a visually strong campaign, it would be unwise to not make use of Instagram.

Girl Scouts

The Girl Scouts are a non-profit organisation in America that has existed for more than 100 years. They help young girls to discover their talents, strengths and passions. They are most popularly known for selling cookies, which fund the scouts and their activities in their communities.


The company knew that many customers had trouble finding Girl Scouts during Cookie Season. As a result, they wanted to create an app that would address this and then drive cookie sales as well as searches on their website. 

What Did They Do?

The Girl Scout Cookie Finder mobile application was born to answer the need. They used an App Card in a clever Twitter App Install campaign. This allowed people to download and open the application in their Twitter account. Impressive conversions were the result.

What Were The Results?

  • Over 19 500 Twitter-driven installations

What Can You Learn From This?

Twitter’s App Cards (with added images) are a super way to show potential customers what an app offers. This will draw in more users and lead to more awareness and conversions. Many people were easily reached with the use of Twitter. It is easy to underestimate Twitter as a marketing tool, but you can use that to your advantage. While many companies see this network as a way teens and youngsters stay busy, you can tap its potential.


You have been shown many different but equally successful social media campaigns that were able to deliver great results. The campaigns you read about here show just how social media platforms are used to gain more customers. It also reflects effective ways to create brand awareness and lead to sales and growth.

Of course, all campaigns have to be done right for the best end results, so having a partner that helps you is always a good idea. SocialPlanner is a great way to get the most out of social media marketing strategies. You will get help in discovering content that your audience will love to read, share and talk about. 

You will be able to find content from top social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and from your favourite sources, all in one place. With the help of SocialPlanner, you will grow your brand and drive targeted traffic by using intelligence gained from campaigns such as the ones discussed here.

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