
10 Ways to Refresh Your Resume and Spruce It Up on LinkedIn


10 Ways to Refresh Your Resume and Spruce It Up on LinkedIn

These days, it’s hard to imagine a job search without LinkedIn. Job candidates submit their applications directly through this platform more often. But even if you apply through other sites, be aware that the recruiter will certainly look for your page on LinkedIn before inviting you for an interview. 

A well-completed profile allows you to manage your professional image as it tells people who you are and what your qualifications are. Basically, it’s a personal archive to help others find you and stay updated on your career. 

Undoubtedly, everyone’s resume should be refreshed from time to time. If you are wondering how to do it – follow our step-by-step guide. 


Update Your Photo

The first thing recruiting firms or anyone else visiting your LinkedIn profile sees is a photo. This is your brand, which can also be a reason for a hiring manager not to invite you to a job interview. So, to make the most out of the picture, follow the next rules:

  • It should be moderately “official” with a preferably neutral background;
  • Dress properly. If a dress code was introduced on LinkedIn, it would be casual business style: not too relaxed, but not too formal. The most suitable clothing is the one which you can actually wear to work;
  • Your face in the photo should be clearly visible;
  • Smile. It is a well-known fact: people prefer to work with those they like. A welcoming smile will help you win over the recruiter.

Make The Heading Unique

The next thing recruiters see under the photo is the title bar under your name and surname. It allows them to know who you are and what you do. A well-thought-out headline is a powerful tool that can be used as an advertising slogan of your personal brand. 

Of course, the title is 120 characters long, but you still have to take it seriously. Find some strong words and phrases to stand out from the crowd. Don’t be like everyone else – show your individuality.

To get inspired, look through the summary statement in your CV. It should include a few words that summarize your qualification, best traits, and career results. But if your CV lacks a summary statement, don’t worry. You can always turn to to learn more about the process of writing it. Besides, helpful examples for various jobs are provided too. 

Re-read Your Resume

Unlike an official resume, the one on LinkedIn can sound more natural. This is still a social network, so it would be fine to show that you are not a faceless “applicant”, but a living person.

When describing your accomplishments, you can write in the first person – this simple technique makes the text more “human”.

Also, make sure that the contact information (e-mail or phone number, if you wish) is mentioned. Add links to your presentations, portfolios and any other results of the work that might be interesting for a potential employer.

Analyze the Resume According to SEO Principles

Recruiters and headhunters search for suitable candidates not only on Google but also on LinkedIn itself. Turn this to your advantage and think about what keywords might be used by someone who is looking for you. Then, add them to your profile.

Replace the URL

LinkedIn has the ability to change your page’s web address. If you don’t like the current one, especially if it consists of random numbers and letters combined with a first and last name, change it. The address made up of your name and surname only looks more official and easier to remember.

Switch The Sections Around

Let’s say you don’t have impressive work experience yet, but you graduated from a prestigious university, volunteered, and were published in numerous magazines. Luckily, in your LinkedIn resume, it’s possible to drag and drop important information to the very top. This function is extra handy as your potential employers can see your strengths right away.

Are You A Cool Specialist? Prove it!

Many job seekers often submit two things in the work experience section, namely the names of the companies they worked for and the responsibilities they performed. If you don’t want your resume to look like a boring biography with dates, companies and positions, indicate your achievements in a more storytelling form.

Key Skills Are A Must

Adding key skills makes your profile more visible when searching. You can select up to 50 skills from the list related to your professional career. Most importantly, the list of skills is available to your friends and colleagues so that they confirm that you do possess those competencies. The more confirmation from colleagues you get for each skill, the better.

Awards and Certificates Matter

Lots of us take courses and visit seminars from time to time, forgetting to mention them on LinkedIn. If you have recently received diplomas or prizes, be sure to include them in the appropriate section. Such certificates describe you as an active person who is eager to learn and grow.


Don’t Forget About Recommendations

It is better to have at least 3 references from colleagues, co-workers, or friends. Why? The more recommendations you have from other employees, the easier it will be to find your resume. Besides, with references, your candidacy will look more experienced and attractive from the recruiter’s point of view.

Here is the easiest way to get such feedback. First, write a recommendation to one of your LinkedIn contacts, and then ask them to respond in kind. It is in your best interest to have as many recommendations as possible, as they make your account look more professional.

To Wrap It Up

When you’ve finished updating your resume and the writing business is over, it’s time to add new contacts. Try to have at least 50 of them. Almost every contact, regardless of position or work experience, can be useful to you. However, pay special attention to people who:

  • Have a higher position than you;
  • Have the same position as you.

The first group might be interested in hiring you while the second you can offer cooperation, exchange of experience, or collaboration on particular projects.

Last but not least, take advantage of the new LinkedIn posting tools. Publishing posts and media files is a great way to increase your profile’s popularity and get noticed.

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